Renea, I'm doing this because I like you. ;) One of my online friends tagged me so I'm passing along the goods.
The rules are:
- 1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
- 2. Each player answer the questions about themselves.
- 3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
What I was doing 10 years ago: 1998. I was working downtown as an IT recruiting assistant at Sprint Paranet. I really loved everything about my job except my boss. Short man syndrome.
Five things on my To Do List today:
- Meet with client at lunchtime to give their order
- Put organization sheet together for women's shelter project
- Edit client glamour photos
- Commercial job at 6pm
- Mail out pending photos
Snacks I enjoy: Almonds, carrot juice, chocolate
Things I would do if I were a billionaire: First, I'd make sure my family was taken care of for life.
I'd be generous with charity programs that I believe strongly in. I'd have homes in other countries because of my love for travel.
Three of my bad habits: Procrastination, too much time on the computer, potty mouth.
I have more but I'm not telling you. :)
Five places I have lived: Chicago, Highland Park, Schaumburg, Tinley Park (all in IL) and then Glendale, AZ.
Five jobs I’ve had (in order): My first job was the cologne girl at the mens fragrance counter inside Robinsons May. I met my husband there. I impressed him with my impeccable customer service. HAHAHA!
Property management leasing consultant, recruiting assistant, IT recruiter, photographer.
People I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG!):
3-J. Urbin
Your turn!
oh miss ruby. you know i lag at blogging and here's 1001 to my list, but i will complete it. i can DOOO it :)
ha ha, my wife is a potty mouth too. she's more of a sailor than i. ha!
What a great thing to learn more about you. The potty mouth thing is hilarious as well as the short man syndrome. Too many of those guys exist on the planet unfortunately.
Nice, okay, now what do I have to do? LOL! Loved reading your info girl!!! Especially about your impeccable customer service! :0)
well we find out things we didn't know.... Very cool.
Hi Ruby.
how are you?
this tag game is still going on?
what exactly is potty mouth?
Sweet Ruby. I promise I'll do this thing...I'm just not sure when. I have list of things to do 3000 miles long. Sorry for the delay. Loved learning about you. I think we would have a wild time if we ever had a chance to hang out. You sound like fun!
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