My cultural and traditional photos have a sexy flare to them. So I thought I was all prepared when this pretty girl came over, and me assuming that I was going to do something in the same fashion.
BRAKES...Stop. Noooooo Ruby.
"I want traditional headshots in your studio, not your bedroom."
HAHAHHA. Puey. Okay fine, I thought.
So, meet this pretty girl, Guldeep, all in a class her own. She's real. She's beautiful. I mean that in every sense of the word.
Her headshots turned out great, I think she will love them.
I have many more to go thru and am so behind in all my proofing, but wanted to give her and her mom a sneak peak as soon as I could.

Ruby, I love these! You are truly amazing... #5 and #6 are my favorites so far. Can't wait to see the rest!
BTW... you were right, blue is awesome in pictures.
stunning, love 1 and 5. THe blue in 5 is gorgeous
What a stunning woman! Your use of light and colors are fabulous. The one in blue is my favorite. Awesome job!
I think you did a good job of jazzing up studio shots. I love your header too, you took some pretty shots of some beautiful women!
she is a real beauty!really love the shot of her in blue!
oh had to think outside your usual's so tough, huh? but, it just goes to show what an amazing photog you are..."sexy flare" or not, she is TRULY beautiful and you did an amazing job!
Ruby these are great once again! I love #5...that blue is so flattering against her dark skin and eyes. (This is me in my whiniest voice) "Uhhhh I'm so jealous...I want to photgraph a beautiful Indian girl waaaaaaaaa-waaaaaaa!"
thanks for the kind words everyone.
and to jen urbin: quit whining! those gals are all mine! back off. ;)
ha ha you crack me up!
She is beautiful and she had an awesome photographer to rock the session.
These are fabulous!! The one with the blue is my FAV!!!
So pretty - love the blue too - really all the colors are gorgeous!!
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby! Your pictures are just wonderful. Why is it that every great photographer lives 1,000 miles away from me? The only ones I have to choose from still make my 2 yr. old daughter wear hats and pearls and prop her up in front of fake scenes with creeks running through them.
Soooooooo 1980.
Love hearing from you on my blog from time to time. Keep 'em coming. Oh, and the pics of the little sisters with the beutiful blond curls???? Oh! My! Lord!
you are so funny with your commentary. I love her in the gold...
Ruby these are beautiful images. I will be photographing an indian lady soon, and I am really inspired by these and many other images that you have taken in the past. Thanks for all of your commitment to excellence. I am a big fan of your work.
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