I came back from Kashmir with a new outlook and a new attitude. I'm not scared or paranoid of the unknown.... or of anyone for that matter. So with that being said, I went into the shower to find spiders a foot away from me by the wall. "Oh no you don't" I said to the spider as though they could understand me. I went a bit crazy you could say and killed them all with my hands....one by one. Then threw them in the water and smiled. Yup, a new woman. No one messes with me in Delhi!
Earlier, a few of the new faces sat around me in the apartment asking in whispering voices "Is it always this hot?" I laughed. Yes it is. I went to sleep in my 'old' room per sey where the computer resides...the guitar student came in and went to type fast. So fast he typed that I knew what was going on. I got up and said while laughing "you're telling someone how hot and depressed you are!" He said "Yes, Im telling them how miserable and hot I am." lol/ BTDT.
I needed Kashmir. It rejuvinated my mind. My trip started out downhill fast and now I'm back on track. India is not easy. But once you do India, you can do anything, especially a woman being on her own.
Remember how I said in my older post that the place reminds me of Afgan or Pakistani people? Well it still does to someone who doesn't know much about the people and the culture. I found out that although alot of them look the same, they don't like each other and it would be wrong for me to compare them. I read in the paper that India is doing everything in its power to protect its northern border (Kashmir ) from being invaded by the Taliban in Afganistan. Which explains the military I talked about. I really really hope that never happens, its such a beautiful place with warm people.
I woke up this morning to find some of my old friends in the apartment and we hugged and couldn't stop talking. We had so much to catch up on. They said that they were worried when they heard I went into Kashmir. LOL....no worries, some of the best times in my life.
I asked about the little boys from the orphan home and my roommates said their mother came into the room and rummaged thru their luggage obviously trying to take things while right in front of them. Also, she never returned with the boys. Not sure where they ended up.
Well it's been one big adventure one after another for all of us and we still have a few days left in India. We're all (19 of us) going into the state of Rajastan tomorrow to visit Jaipur, Jodpur and Agra (Taj).
I spent the last few days trekking in the gorgeous Himalayan mountain area. Nothing crazy, 11000ft. Meeting gypsies and being invited for tea inside their tents and mudhuts will forever be cherished in my heart. We had nothing to talk about, but we smiled and laughed and hugged. That's all that mattered.
I'll catch up with you later.

This picture above makes me laugh. You know the nativity set you display during Christmas? Doesn't this image remind you of that? (ahem, ahem, minus me!)
Oh my, the comment to the guy on the computer cracked me up! Love you hon, miss you lots. I'll have to call you for my spiders now.
I was telling hubby about you doing this and he was " Ruby? You mean the one who came out here?" It was funny cause he was seeing you as the same girly type I can be, no more though miss I am woman hear me roar
Keep up the good work...
The caption of the first shot should be:
I have heard that this thing is outdated. You should just give it away. Why don't you box it up and send it to that poor soul Enoch Gonzalez in Colorado Springs. He might be able to make something of it.
LOL!!! 1st Off ... Christopher's Comment ROCKS!... That is freakin' Hilarious...Baaaaahahahahaaa.... Thanks Chris.
Ok and seriously ... good to read that you're back in Delhi and rocking that new and improved rejuvenated spirit. Way to step up the Kick those Spiders Behinds!! Yeah Baby - Kill one for me also!!
Ruby the woman who can do anything, You are such an encouragement for so many reasons.
I called M yesterday to see if you were okay. He let me know you were back in Delhi. I was very happy to hear that you got back from Kashmir safely. I can hear in your words that you had a wonderful time sincerely. Hopefully your last week in Delhi will be as fulfilling. See the sights, have fun. I know you will! I'll be in Portland this weekend and next weekend in the White Mountains with Tom and the Rhino. We rented a cabin for my B-Day. Then my brother and kids will be here. You look so beautiful in the pictures sweetie. The faces of the people and the scenery are spectacular. Again, what a life-changing experience! I REALLY can't wait to see more pix and hear stories!Natalie
You are such an inspiration and I am happy to read that you are feeling refreshed and renewed! These images are gorgeous. Continue to enjoy this journey into the unknown and embrace every moment as your own!! :o)Remain safe.
ruby,always looking great. you fit nice in the nativity scene.[hehehe]one more week, have fun for the rest of your stay. miss u lots.
What an inspiration Ruby, we have all shared your journey and will await more of your life lessons and images throughout the remainder of your time there and your return home.
No doubt the images you haven't shared taken within the frame of your minds eye, and the feelings and memories will have touched you for a lifetime.
Ruby- I am so happy to hear that things are better. You seem renewed by Kashmir. I can't wait to hear all about it.
Love you lots
Always glad to bring some humor out. Life is too short not to.
Plus, I have to be honest, that was the first thing that came to my mind. I was laughing as I wrote it.
Have a good rest of your trip!! I want to stop by and say hi sometime next week if you are home.
You are amazing!
You are NEVER going to forget this trip, Ruby. No matter how long you live! We don't heart you - we love you! You're real and you're true and you inspire even with long posts complaining about spiders and heat. It's been a fun ride for us - I can't imagine what it's been like for YOU. :)
So, does that make you Mary, mother of God? You are so right about that Kashmir home and their clothing making you think nativity.
I just showed Harrison your Kashmir pics (we've been studying the himalayas) and he said "Wow, Ruby is famous!". H and O love you so much, ya know!
I'm glad to hear you are doing better and am still just so in awe of you for doing this. It sounds like you really will be coming back as a changed woman...maybe now I can get you writing that book that I just know you can publish!
Love you and can't wait to see you and hug you.
Wow girl... just wow. Again I am almost speechless *almost*...lol. I am thrilled that it has turned around for you and can't wait to see all the cool images when you get back!! Hugs from FAR FAR away in Florida girl!
This is awesome...so proud of you! I think the scenery is breathtaking.
yay!!!!!!!!!! i am so glad to hear that you are doing better!!! Kashmir sounds like it did you some good!
also, just to let you know that you are so inspiring and can't wait to see your images! thanks for sharing and I am praying for your safe return home!!
Ruby - you are so funny, the nativity display,lol. You are the best and so glad that we will have you back to hear all about your stories. We miss you and love you.
hey girl, don't mean to take up so much space. i had to comment on the picture that you posted of the kids. Just think, if your plains were not changed, those kids would not have had you there to bring a smile to their faces;-) We never no the difference that we can make in someones life until we try. My BIBLE tells me "the way to have friends, is to show yourself friendly" we Americans take the little things for granted, like a stranger taking a little time up with us and want nothing in return, there is that perspective. WOW!!!!!! still lovin' your work:) "A MOMENT IN TIME" can't thank u enough!!!!!
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