I had no plans of going to Kashmir until very last minute in Delhi. Actually other than hearing about the fighting in Kashmir on the news in the past, I seriously knew very little about this place. What I found out in the last couple of days is that it's 70% muslim Indian and the other part mixed Hindus and Sikhs. The war ended less than 10 yrs ago when Pakistan was fighting India for Kashmir. In the end, it still belongs to India. You can see the Himalayan mountains and the weather in incredible. Incredible!!! I extended my stay in Kashmir until the 18th.
Most of us have never been to Afganistan or Pakistan but we have a visual of the people and their lifestyle in our minds....If you took those people and their housing and threw it in the middle of the Swiss Alps, then that my friends is what Kashmir is like. The people have been exceptionally friendly to me and that might be due to the fact that I'm the only female in this whole region who isn't covered up head to toe. Fo-getttt about it!
I am staying cheaply in someone's houseboat on the lake and the service guy on the boat is somewhat eye candy. Makes for a little better trip. haha He makes sure my hot water is turned on and asks me if I'd like tea. Wow...I could get use to this kind of treatment.
(Honey if you are reading this, you might want to take notes.)
I spent the last 2 days visiting villages and hilltowns with a driver and have seen some amazing things....Gypsies, gypsy children, holy hindu men and the hardest working women I have ever seen. Two of them were coming down from a green steep hill with about 60 pounds of firewood toppled on their heads and walking barefoot.
Military men and marijuana plants are in abundace here. There are 2 military men for every one person residing in Kashmir. They are everywhere! And so is the hashish plants. Don't get any ideas folks, I cant haul it back with me. That's all I'm saying. ;)
I tell you, I've been all over Europe and all over the middle east. No place has thrilled me photography wise like Kashmir. I am staring in amazement most of the day and how these people are functioning with so little. Think 100 years ago. They live like this but NOW. We as americans are spoiled and trust me I'm not complaining, but a trip like this one really is an eye opener. Kids still play with dirt and rocks. Not 500 dollar video games. And guess what? They are happy!
The funny thing is no matter where you are in the world, whoever you photograph will still come up running to you to see what they look like on your camera screen..... and then laugh whole heartedly at their picture. We are all still the same in the end.
Just human. :)

these are just half @ss pictures from the point and shoot. fancy big pictures later~I have some good stuff!!
I am so glad that you are in a place with better weather, from your images it does look beautiful! I am still praying! Be careful and I can't wait until you are back in the states!
Love you girl,
Glad to read your spirit is no longer on close to Empty. Your images are rich in story telling... think you need to quit your day job and go for something National Geographic. :0)
Your updates make me smile -
Oh and stay away from the eye candy and make sure he DOESN'T check if your water is HOT and TURNED ON! HAHA. Have fun today. //enoch
I know I have never left a comment but I do follow your blog. I am fascinated by your stories abroad. I have always had the desire but never really the courage. You are a brave woman and I have you in my prayers. Make it home safe and enjoy your time. Before you know it you will be back in the states with all the spoiled americans.
Very well put, Ruby! Be safe!
yah, glad things are going well! Love how they all come running to see themselves!
wonderful stuff Ruby, Thanks for sharing these wonderful images. I am so glad that you are seeing things from a new perspective.
Ruby - love to hear you are happy
:0) with the tea guy and mostly that you are having a great time. I'm glad you stayed to experience Kashmir, very nice shots. Stay safe, miss you very much and love you. XoXoXo Cyn
Ruby, I came across your blog through another. You are truly an inspiration and I thank you for sharing your journey and your heart here. You are a beautiful soul and your photography is amazing. Praying you will remain safe and in God's hands. :o)
Very cool! Finally there is much happiness and relief in your voice. I think when you get back to Delhi you will see things differently. Except for the bug thing! I miss you and can't wait until you are home with great pix and stories. P.S. It's finally raining here! Miss you, Natalie
Ruby- Girl you are amazing! beautiful inside and out! I tear up when I read your posts- AND when I see your work... it is beautiful.. I cannot wait to see the "real" stuff! Keep your chin up.. enjoy the eye candy boy and be safe!! :)
I'm so glad you are enjoying Kashmir. It sounds like an amazing place in many ways. What an experience you are having! Stay safe and keep shooting!
Honey, it's me , your husband. first of all if you want eye candy, I'll take my shirt off around the house. But if you think I'm gonna heat water for tea, you got another thing coming. This is outta control. I booked you a ticket out of Kashmir this afternoon and your ass should be home by tomorrow in time to make me a cup of tea. That's how things roll around here.
JUST KIDDING, I'll have your hot tea waiting for you when you get here. If you need anything else... Yes Dear.
love love love love love
Just saw Mike's comment... too funny! And girl... just WOW... I am still stunned that you are there, by yourself doing this! You are insanely crazy and inspiring all at the same time! Hugs, keep on posting, I love to read!
Hahahahaha Mike's comment is hilarious! We miss you and love you and can't wait to see you. We are happy that you're happy now! Very gorgeous pictures. Love you!
Wow! Ruby you are one of the most adventurous women ever! I don't know that I could do it. This sounds like the trip of a lifetime or the beginning of a really good novel. Your story telling is wonderful and honest. I'd love to read your book someday.
Miss you still. Glad the weather is better there. Keep safe and keep blogging. Much Love, C
Your spirits are up, I can tell from your writing.
Mike's comment made me laugh. I love you and can't wait to talk your ear off!
hello Ruby:) Thanks for sharing your life experiences. As I was reading your amazing story, I could not help but reminence:) I am 50 years old and can remember really well growing up in simpler times like you are seeing in Kashmir. Yes there were times I played with rocks, card board and many other make shift items:) I look forward to experiencing your photographs. Families seem to be so much closer knit when we had less or it sure does seem that way. I thank God for conveniences!But we seem to depend on things way tooooo much. Pay close attention to the family unit over there. Let us know how or if they are close to each other in spite of the lack of....stuff, things that we take for granted.
I have been thinking about the mother that tried to give her baby to you, maybe it was her love for here baby's health that pushed her in that direction. I know it is had for us Americans to even phathom such a jesture. Love does amazing things sometimes.
Please watch yourself. Stay safe and bring back a story to tell. You are in my PRAYERS. I hope that one day I will get to meet you in person but until that day I will follow your work. "A MOMENT IN TIME"
Hey Ruby,
So happy to see that things are looking up for you.
What an amazing journey!
Take Care
Hi Sweetie! My second comment today but I couldn't help it- This morning I talked to M and invited him to dinner. He said he had M and would get back to me. Of course we both got busy. You know how that goes but not now since you are where you are thank goodness! In the meantime, I went to Open Sesame and decided to make Indian for dinner in your honor. Dinner was really good and I made it really spicy since I no longer have a **** **** for the time being :) :) :)!!! Tom said he wishes we would have met M & M. Apparently I made it way too spicy! Just some hometown BS. Loved M's comment. Very funny as usual.
P.S. We need to go to Baiz when you get back. Can't wait to see you. It will probably be a real culture shock when you get back. We'll all be easy on you and try not to pull you in 25 different directions! We are all gonna want a piece of you!
I really miss you. I've never looked at your site as much as I have now. That's because you were always "around the corner" Now you're "there" Very cool! How much we take for granted heh?
Love you my Angel, Natalie
Hi, habebtie (Close enough)
Truly miss yea, I am glad to read your doing fine. Your pictures are amazing as your are. (Love the humor with Mike.(Mike Your are a trooper) Keep safe.
It is me again, sorry I should of read the ful blog at first,You keep strong and let your dream of making a difference count. Be safe and make the difference no matter what it be. Love you
your words and pictures are amazing. if these are "half a@@ pictures" from a point and shoot, then i can't wait for the others! you put everything into perspective perfectly. thank you for sharing your time over there...
It's really neat that you are getting to engulf yourself in a culture. You've got some nice photojournalism shots here.
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