When I saw Petra in Jordan and then again last week when I visited the Taj. Both of those times I was in awe, jaw on the floor kind of awe.
I couldn't wait to see the Taj for years....and then when I finally did, it was more grand and more beautiful than I had even imagined. Here are a few done with the 70-200 and the wide angle:

Some of the other volunteers who have now become lifetime friends. We had so much fun whenever we were together.

allright, i guess you take pretty good pics.
all we need now is the creepsters taking pictures of us instead of the taj and you pretty much encompassed what it is to be there.
that and the poses on the last pic are just good indicators of our personality. from martin's face, to alex's look,zahira's asian pose, liz just smiling, birte punching me, tess' hands and smile, emily's grope of alex and whatever you're doing...it captures us pretty well.
btw. im right now waiting in the emergency room waiting to see if i got leprosy... no joke. my foot has been numb for some time now, and it apparently is the first sign of leprosy. ill keep you updated.
WOW! These are fantastic... that 3rd one is Ah-freakin'-mazing. Really wow. Great job Ruby... can't wait to see more!
We're amazing!
From "Farida-really-damn!-bad" to the Taj, I think we did pretty well. It is amazing to think about what we went through and how strong this has made us.
Remember walking to the post office close to the Taj? Where everyone just stared at us and pointed which way and we walked like it wasn't a big deal. While the first week in India we were uncomfortable, scared and unsure if we did the right thing. We came a far way! The pictures as well are amazing. It was definately great and I am glad we ALL got along. I love our group. They are the best. I am glad I have 15 other people that know what we went through and will laugh knowingly when we talk about India, they are the only ones that'll understand! Can't wait to exchange more pics!
I love you bunches!
P.s. I really hope Yves is oK!!
beautiful shots I knew you would come back with something awesome. And you did!
You seriously take the most bomb diggity ass images ever when you travel ( and here of course too but your building images, my goodness )
WOW! First I'm so happy you are home safe. What amazing and beautiful pix. When you captured the Eiffel for us (then my movers scratched it which I had fixed thankfully and now hangs in my guest room), I now see that I will have another RR original hanging in my house! You captured the emotion of you and your comrades beautifully and the Taj! Seeing you tomorrow is the best birthday present I could ever get. Can't wait. Love You Sincerely My Angel, Natalie
First time blogger to your site. WOW..those pictures are amazing. Great shots!
Wow! I'm speechless just from looking at your first image....can't imagine how it would have been to see it in person.
Welcome home, sweetie!
Some awesome shots. I love some of the effects that you put in. The way the sky looks, how simply large it is. What a blast.
OH MY GOD. Those are stunning. Amazing. So beautiful.
You know I have always been AMAZED at all of your travel photos. These are spectacular! I hope you blow some of these up for your wall! What great shots!!
Ruby, wow I am blown away, I was just thinking about you, I came to check out the blog and see what you were up to. Wow, I've been sitting here reading all about your journey, reading in amazament about the adventures and growth of your trip. I'm even crying like a dork about some of your stories, not just the sad ones, but even the beautiful ones, of your own personal journey. I cannot wait to hear more! Lunch is on me...call me when you get a chance.
Ruby! You rock the portraits, but girl, I think your speciality is travel/archeticture (sp?) shots! THESE ARE AWESOME!!!!!! Just beautiful!! Frame worthy in a gallery somewhere!
Gorgeous as usual. The second picture apart from being stunning, also reminded me of a picture I saw of princess Diana who stood where you took that shot from. These are very emotive pictures. Wonderful Ruby. Thanks for sharing your images, and your heart with us all.
Ruby, hon so glad you are back. I've missed you dearly but it sounds like you had an amazing experience there! Cannot wait to hear about all of it and possibly live a little bit of your jouney through your stories. Love and miss you!
Hard not to miss India... ahem... but mostly the company... when looking at these captured moments and vivid expressions.
I cant wait to see all the winner shots you took all throughout the month and especially those in Kashmir!
The Taj was a jewel and you managed to captured this in these striking images!
Miss you and are our logical ranting jeje
Those pictures are unreal. It always awesome to get see other parts of the world courtesy of good photographers.
awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow girl, you have done it!!! thanks so much for sharing your life in india with us!! you rock ruby!!!! totally rock~
you are such an inspiration to me!
and these images amazing..... simply amazing!
glad to have you back girl!!
ok YAY you're back!!! first off how you had an awesome time!!! now, i didn't think i could even see a more kick ass pic of the taj until i came here. hooo-leeeee-crap 3 IS the magic number! unreal. that's all i got. speechless.
Breath-taking indeed! The photos are so gorgeous, I can only imagine what it must have been like in person!! I especially love the 2nd shot. :o)
Those pictures of the Taj make me sad, but I guess life gets in the way and you sort have to take care of it. I'm surprised that we all sound so enlightened now that we are away..I wonder if it was the same when we were there..ahem..Can't wait to see more pics!
THIS is AMAZING! not too many people can say they've done this, and the images you captured of it are breathtaking! wow. Thank you for your kind words on my blog, I hope you stop by again :)
So beautiful. You are amazing. If these are taking MY breath away from HERE, I cannot imagine what it was like live. Can you take me?
You're like a local now, come on, it'll be easy! :)
Ruby, you ROCK woman!
These are so beautiful!!
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