Dear friends,
I have to be honest. I don't know where to start on my trip in Kashmir. All I can tell you is that the last 5 days have been exceptional. I have met so many wonderful locals and have had some of the best conversations with them as well. I am truly enjoying this accidental detour in India and I dread the day I have to go back to Delhi's heat.
I love love love Kashmir.
The people that own the houseboat I'm staying in are very nice and have taken me to villages and the mountainside to see some real life in northern india. The locals are astounded by foreign visitors and I've walked around feeling like some circus clown! I posted some hilarious pictures below.
In the meantime, here are some that I've taken with the PS over the last few days in Gulmarg, Pehelgam, Sulmarg and Aru. Again, please promise me you wont get tired of me or my trip to India when I post the nice stuff later from the 5d.

I have to be honest. I don't know where to start on my trip in Kashmir. All I can tell you is that the last 5 days have been exceptional. I have met so many wonderful locals and have had some of the best conversations with them as well. I am truly enjoying this accidental detour in India and I dread the day I have to go back to Delhi's heat.
I love love love Kashmir.
The people that own the houseboat I'm staying in are very nice and have taken me to villages and the mountainside to see some real life in northern india. The locals are astounded by foreign visitors and I've walked around feeling like some circus clown! I posted some hilarious pictures below.
In the meantime, here are some that I've taken with the PS over the last few days in Gulmarg, Pehelgam, Sulmarg and Aru. Again, please promise me you wont get tired of me or my trip to India when I post the nice stuff later from the 5d.

Awesome photos! :)
Ruby - your images from the P&S are so good - what you need to do is get rid of that 5D... it's outdated anyways... box it up... send it to Enoch Gonzalez in Colorado Springs. ;-)
You adventures there are amazing to read about - one of the pictures looks like the women and children are following you around like a movie star... You Go!
have fun and of course... stay safe!
Your photos tell your story so fabulously (is that a word?) What an amazing journey you are on! LOVE reading your posts. Stay safe. :o)
Hey babe, it's your hubby- You look so cute in the first pic. Looks like you're finally enjoying your trip. Funny how the pic of the Cement Store had missing and broken concrete in front of it. That's like a dentist with a missing tooth.
Love you, Be safe
Hey, these are great shots. I laughed all of the way through at looking them.
Cool bean. Keep it up.
Hi Sweetie! Oh my- love your photos! I like the first one. You look beautiful and he's a hottie. No, seriously! He looks like a rasta man! It sounds like you are REALLY having a good time. The landscape is beautiful. Looks like Switzerland. I REALLY can't wait for your stories. I love the way the locals react to you. Very funny.
P.S. Had the photo that you took under the Eiffel touched-up and framed. It's perfect. It's hanging in the guest room........
Tom and I had dinner tonight with M. at Abuelo's. He had me in stitches. I swear I haven't laughed like that in a long time! He misses you! Funny how he and Tom noticed the cement store!
See you soon and take care okay? What an adventure. Be safe. Luv ya, Natalie
So this is where my Ruby has been. I truly love your spirit and I'm addicted to your blog at least I can live vicariously through you...truly amazing what your during and the photo's gosh i envy you sooo must work for Nat'l Geoghraphic they will pay for the trips. When your safe and sound back home please call me i want to take you to sushi and pick your brain and here more about your travels. Love ya sweetie, stay safe!! CALL ME WHEN YOU GET SETTLED. Kris
Hi Rubies! Thinking of you often! Your posts and pictures are keeping us very amused during our road trip! Your pictures are great, and I am glad that you are having a great trip at last! Enjoy every minute. Can't wait to hear about it when you get back. Love and kisses, Issa and Jennie
Great shots! So the kids love you, the men love you and I guess even the animals. :) I am glad you are having a good time, I can't wait to see your other photos. certainly look fab. always my shining GEM no matter what the situation, good or bad. you are sooo funny with your stories. i told Mike that you should be a writer. you bring those adventures to life.
soon you'll be home, can't wait.
luv you sweetie,& GOD BLESS.
I love all the images of people faces!
THen the image of all the kids at your're a celebrity.
THE expressions on some of their faces are a riot, " wow someone new here"
SUre you'll show us images from the 5d, I think you are holding it in the images for decoration, to look cool! Just kidding! Love ya, miss you tons
Wow, these are fab photos. Looks like you are having a really good time now. That horse is, ummm....happy :)
Miss you, love you. We should iChat if you can!
DUDE are you KIDDING me?!! I just noticed the horse, how could I have missed it!! Ha!!
I am so jealous you are over there! I would love to be doing what you're doing!!!!
Hi Ruby - you look fantastic and happy :0), miss you... This is exactly the trip we wished for you, happy times and great memories. Your bro and I can't wait for you to get back, we love you and keep you in our prayers. I love love your shots, totally awesome. Go Ruby, yahooo!!! xoxo
Cyn & Chad
Wow...I just read all of your blog since your trip, amazing. I am so sorry that it started out so horrible, but glad that it is getting better. I was afraid something like this would happen!!! I wish you could see the side of India that I saw, but I am sure you find it amazing - good or bad. Can't wait till u get back and to see the rest of the pics and hear your stories, miss u and luv u:) Be safe!
Ruby, you look good even in India! Lordy! Love the stories!
I also love enoch's comment - too funny!
more wonderful pictures Ruby, great to see you smiling. Does the guy crouching down on the ground holding something in his hands look like Donald Sutherland or what? Maybe it's his indian brother!
Really love the variety of shots. Great stuff. I love reading the other comments, see what a difference you make!
There is a new 5D replacement coming out toward the end of the year!
hello Ruby:) I have had a hard time getting into your blogg. i was almost in dts HA HA!!! i am in awe, your ps pics r WOW!!!! thank u for sharing your adventures with me, well i can dream if i want to can't i. the way u include everyone is in your adventure is selfless. thanks, i am sure between our Indian friends and RUBY, is as close as i'll get to this beautiful country and people. read your bio again, my wife Cathy and i are animal people too.
I hope yr trip is as rewarding to u as it has been for me. remeber God(JESUS) don't make any mistakes. HE had u there for a reason. i hope u have realized that reason.
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